When people ask what I do for a living I reply with “I am a Real Estate Agent and Community Manager for Tolley Community Management a full service Real Estate and Property Management Company”. I am often asked what is a Community Manager?
A Homeowners Association (HOA) is an organization of homeowners residing within a particular development whose major purpose is to maintain and provide community facilities and services for the common enjoyment of its residents. When moving into a subdivision with a HOA your membership to the HOA is normally both automatic and mandatory. The Homeowners Association is in fact a corporation and therefore a governing body is required to oversee its business. The governing body, the Board of Directors, is elected by the homeowners or elected as otherwise specified in the association by-laws.
The Board of Directors are volunteers that help manage and oversee the community that they live in. A Community Manger (frequently confused with a Property Manager) is many times needed to help the Board of Directors with overseeing and managing the day-to-day tasks of the community.
Tolley Community Management offers a personal touch on community management because we truly care about all of our communities and because we recognize that every association is unique we customize our services to meet your community’s needs. We strive to reduce expenses and minimize collection issues with a unique and effective approach by:
• Utilizing the latest accounting software that is specifically designed for condominium and homeowners associations
• Working with the Board of Directors to manage daily tasks
• Completing property inspections. Tolley Community Management managers visit the community frequently to look for violations of the association’s covenants. Managers will also look for repair issues, maintenance needs (such as landscaping or pool maintenance) and assess the overall condition of the property.
• Helping to obtain the best price and the right contractor for the job when repairs are needed by remaining “vendor neutral” enabling competitive rates.
• Assisting the board in setting up a budget to cover most normal expenses
• Quickly responding to emergencies when they arise
• Partnering with our clients to help find ways to build a better sense of community within each neighborhood we are associated with. We acknowledge that consistent communication and volunteerism affects member’s perception of their association as a positive environment.
Why does your association need a Community Manager?
• Self-management often diminishes the volunteer’s ability to enjoy the experience of living in their own community. We relieve some of those duties by managing the day-to-day affairs.
• For individual members to provide mandated services free of charge it places unequal burdens. (No one wants their neighbor to tell them they have to mow their lawn!)
• Most importantly; professionally managed associations will retain a growth in attractiveness to potential buyers resulting in higher property values.
Tolley Community Management is retained by the Board of Directors to provide a complete range of services to the community including: administrative and other value-added services, financial services and physical property management services in order to protect your most precious commodity…your home! We are dedicated to providing exceptional community management with a unique and personal touch, adding to the all over enjoyment of living the life style you desire in your community.
Here in NW Atlanta we manage many of the area’s finest community associations with a reputation for being responsive professionals who are personally involved. Customer satisfaction is held at a high premium which sets us apart from our competition.
Does your association have a Community Manager? If you are located in the NW Atlanta Area we would love to meet with you to discuss the benefits and services we can offer your association. Please visit Tolley Community Management’s website for more information and to watch our informative management video.